HYIP online investment
Over the years we have found that MOST, in fact close to all internet High Yield Investment Programs (HYIP) are actually Ponzi Schemes. That is, HYIP offering 10% per month and more. If you treat all internet based HYIP’s as Ponzi Schemes you can make a lot of money out of them by following some simple rules.
HYIP Ponzi Schemes have been known to last for years but the average HYIP Ponzi life is about 100 days. Do not invest money you can’t afford to loose, spread your money amongst a number of investment programs, don’t get greedy by continually reinvesting into the same investment program because it will crash one day and keep track of your investments. At times you will loose money in this high risk investment area but if you enjoy yourself, learn by your experiences and follow the above guidelines you should do well in the end. Remember many of these HYIP’s pay out 30%+ per month. At this rate it doesn’t take long to have your HYIP investment returned so long as you don’t keep reinvesting into the same HYIP and you get in early enough. We are not saying these HYIP’s should be replacing any of your investment portfolio. However for anyone that likes to have fun with their money HYIP's can be a lot better than throwing it away at the casino or on government regulated lotteries. From our perspective at least we have a much better chance to make money on these HYIP’s and our skills can influence the returns. If you don’t know what a Ponzi Scheme is it would be highly advisable to read up on the subject
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