Thursday, June 28, 2007

Cara mendaftar Liberty Reserve

Bagi anda yg ingin daftar Liberty Reserve, klik link dibawah ini, atau ikuti petunjuk dibawah
Bagi Anda yg sudah mengerti pengisian Form Registernya langsung saja klik disini :

Tapi kalau belum mengerti saya akan tunjukkan secara detail, baca sampai selesai dibawah ini.

Saya ingin menunjukkan Program memperoleh dolar gratis dari Liberty Reserve, Caranya mudah, anda hanya tinggal daftar, ikuti step2 dibawah ini :

1. Klik Link ini :
2. Setelah Anda masuk kesitus Liberty Reserve, anda klik Create Account
3. Setelah itu ada kolom-kolom yg harus Anda isi :

- Account Name yaitu Nama Anda (misal nama anda Joko Susanto maka ditulis Joko Susanto)

- Password ditulis perpaduan huruf dan angka buat yg mudah anda ingat, begitu anda klik akan muncul keyboad dilayar jadi anda klik2 saja keyboard yg muncul tsb ini maksudnya demi keamanan dari hacker, minimal 6 karakter ( misal : joko12345, anto2000 dll buatlah yg mudah anda ingat)

- Re-enter Password yaitu mengulangi kembali password Anda.

- Login PIN Angka semua 5 digit

- Re-enter Login PIN Mengulangi Login PIN Anda

- Security Question ada 4 pilihan, Mothers Maiden Name (Nama Ibu), City of Birth (Tempat Lahir), High School Name (Nama Sekolah Tinggi), Favorite Pet(Hewan Kesayangan), Terserah anda mau pilih mana

- or write your own buat sesuka anda dalam bahasa indonesia juga bisa.
misalnya anda memilih City of Birth, buat where was your born ? atau dalam bhs indonesia dimana kamu lahir ?

- answer buat jawaban dari pertanyaan Anda tadi, misalnya Jakarta, atau Bandung dll.

- Personal Welcome Message Pesan Pribadi anda buat apa yg ingin anda buat, tulis saja Hello atau good luck atau suka-suka anda

- First Name yaitu Nama Pertama Anda

- Last Name yaitu Nama Kedua Anda

- Company Name buat aja nama Anda

- Email Email anda

- Address Alamat rumah Anda ( Misal : Jl. Mawar No. 47 )

- City Kota tempat Anda tinggal

- Country pilih Indonesia

- State/Region Propinsi tempat Anda tinggal

- Zip/Postal Code Kode Pos Anda

- Phone nomor telepon Anda

- Date of Birth yaitu tanggal lahir, bulan tanggal dan tahun

kemudian masukkan kode yg tertera dan klik Agree, Gampang bukan ? Nah hari itu juga anda langsung terdaftar. Setelah itu catat semua data-data Anda. Perlu diperhatikan setelah anda mendaftar LR (Liberty Reserve) tidak memberikan konfirmasi ke email anda jadi anda harus mengingat atau sebaiknya dicatat account number Anda yg diawali dengan huruf U, contoh U6300323, Login PIN dan Password, karena ini perlu saat anda Login.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Forex Money Management

by Boris Schlossberg

Put two rookie traders in front of the screen, provide them with your best high-probability set-up, and for good measure, have each one take the opposite side of the trade. More than likely, both will wind up losing money. However, if you take two pros and have them trade in the opposite direction of each other, quite frequently both traders will wind up making money - despite the seeming contradiction of the premise. What's the difference? What is the most important factor separating the seasoned traders from the amateurs? The answer is money management.

Like dieting and working out, money management is something that most traders pay lip service to, but few practice in real life. The reason is simple: just like eating healthy and staying fit, money management can seem like a burdensome, unpleasant activity. It forces traders to constantly monitor their positions and to take necessary losses, and few people like to do that. However, as Figure 1 proves, loss-taking is crucial to long-term trading success.

Amount of Equity Lost Amount of Return Necessary to Restore to Original Equity Value
25% 33%
50% 100%
75% 400%
90% 1000%

Figure 1 - This table shows just how difficult it is to recover from a debilitating loss.

Note that a trader would have to earn 100% on his or her capital - a feat accomplished by less than 1% of traders worldwide - just to break even on an account with a 50% loss. At 75% drawdown, the trader must quadruple his or her account just to bring it back to its original equity - truly a Herculean task!

The Big One

Although most traders are familiar with the figures above, they are inevitably ignored. Trading books are littered with stories of traders losing one, two, even five years' worth of profits in a single trade gone terribly wrong. Typically, the runaway loss is a result of sloppy money management, with no hard stops and lots of average downs into the longs and average ups into the shorts. Above all, the runaway loss is due simply to a loss of discipline.

Most traders begin their trading career, whether consciously or subconsciously, visualizing "The Big One" - the one trade that will make them millions and allow them to retire young and live carefree for the rest of their lives. In FX, this fantasy is further reinforced by the folklore of the markets. Who can forget the time that George Soros "broke the Bank of England" by shorting the pound and walked away with a cool $1-billion profit in a single day? But the cold hard truth for most retail traders is that, instead of experiencing the "Big Win", most traders fall victim to just one "Big Loss" that can knock them out of the game forever.

Learning Tough Lessons

Traders can avoid this fate by controlling their risks through stop losses. In Jack Schwager's famous book "Market Wizards" (1989), day trader and trend follower Larry Hite offers this practical advice: "Never risk more than 1% of total equity on any trade. By only risking 1%, I am indifferent to any individual trade." This is a very good approach. A trader can be wrong 20 times in a row and still have 80% of his or her equity left.

The reality is that very few traders have the discipline to practice this method consistently. Not unlike a child who learns not to touch a hot stove only after being burned once or twice, most traders can only absorb the lessons of risk discipline through the harsh experience of monetary loss. This is the most important reason why traders should use only their speculative capital when first entering the forex market. When novices ask how much money they should begin trading with, one seasoned trader says: "Choose a number that will not materially impact your life if you were to lose it completely. Now subdivide that number by five because your first few attempts at trading will most likely end up in blow out." This too is very sage advice, and it is well worth following for anyone considering trading FX.

Money Management Styles

Generally speaking, there are two ways to practice successful money management. A trader can take many frequent small stops and try to harvest profits from the few large winning trades, or a trader can choose to go for many small squirrel-like gains and take infrequent but large stops in the hope the many small profits will outweigh the few large losses. The first method generates many minor instances of psychological pain, but it produces a few major moments of ecstasy. On the other hand, the second strategy offers many minor instances of joy, but at the expense of experiencing a few very nasty psychological hits. With this wide-stop approach, it is not unusual to lose a week or even a month's worth of profits in one or two trades. (For further reading, see Introduction To Types Of Trading: Swing Trades.)

To a large extent, the method you choose depends on your personality; it is part of the process of discovery for each trader. One of the great benefits of the FX market is that it can accommodate both styles equally, without any additional cost to the retail trader. Since FX is a spread-based market, the cost of each transaction is the same, regardless of the size of any given trader's position.

For example, in EUR/USD, most traders would encounter a 3 pip spread equal to the cost of 3/100th of 1% of the underlying position. This cost will be uniform, in percentage terms, whether the trader wants to deal in 100-unit lots or one million-unit lots of the currency. For example, if the trader wanted to use 10,000-unit lots, the spread would amount to $3, but for the same trade using only 100-unit lots, the spread would be a mere $0.03. Contrast that with the stock market where, for example, a commission on 100 shares or 1,000 shares of a $20 stock may be fixed at $40, making the effective cost of transaction 2% in the case of 100 shares, but only 0.2% in the case of 1,000 shares. This type of variability makes it very hard for smaller traders in the equity market to scale into positions, as commissions heavily skew costs against them. However, FX traders have the benefit of uniform pricing and can practice any style of money management they choose without concern about variable transaction costs.

Four Types of Stops

Once you are ready to trade with a serious approach to money management and the proper amount of capital is allocated to your account, there are four types of stops you may consider.

1. Equity Stop

This is the simplest of all stops. The trader risks only a predetermined amount of his or her account on a single trade. A common metric is to risk 2% of the account on any given trade. On a hypothetical $10,000 trading account, a trader could risk $200, or about 200 points, on one mini lot (10,000 units) of EUR/USD, or only 20 points on a standard 100,000-unit lot. Aggressive traders may consider using 5% equity stops, but note that this amount is generally considered to be the upper limit of prudent money management because 10 consecutive wrong trades would draw down the account by 50%.

One strong criticism of the equity stop is that it places an arbitrary exit point on a trader's position. The trade is liquidated not as a result of a logical response to the price action of the marketplace, but rather to satisfy the trader's internal risk controls.

2. Chart Stop

Technical analysis can generate thousands of possible stops, driven by the price action of the charts or by various technical indicator signals. Technically oriented traders like to combine these exit points with standard equity stop rules to formulate charts stops. A classic example of a chart stop is the swing high/low point. In Figure 2 a trader with our hypothetical $10,000 account using the chart stop could sell one mini lot risking 150 points, or about 1.5% of the account.

Figure 2

3. Volatility Stop

A more sophisticated version of the chart stop uses volatility instead of price action to set risk parameters. The idea is that in a high volatility environment, when prices traverse wide ranges, the trader needs to adapt to the present conditions and allow the position more room for risk to avoid being stopped out by intra-market noise. The opposite holds true for a low volatility environment, in which risk parameters would need to be compressed.

One easy way to measure volatility is through the use of Bollinger bands, which employ standard deviation to measure variance in price. Figures 3 and 4 show a high volatility and a low volatility stop with Bollinger bands. In Figure 3 the volatility stop also allows the trader to use a scale-in approach to achieve a better "blended" price and a faster breakeven point. Note that the total risk exposure of the position should not exceed 2% of the account; therefore, it is critical that the trader use smaller lots to properly size his or her cumulative risk in the trade.

Figure 3

Figure 4

4. Margin Stop

This is perhaps the most unorthodox of all money management strategies, but it can be an effective method in FX, if used judiciously. Unlike exchange-based markets, FX markets operate 24 hours a day. Therefore, FX dealers can liquidate their customer positions almost as soon as they trigger a margin call. For this reason, FX customers are rarely in danger of generating a negative balance in their account, since computers automatically close out all positions.

This money management strategy requires the trader to subdivide his or her capital into 10 equal parts. In our original $10,000 example, the trader would open the account with an FX dealer but only wire $1,000 instead of $10,000, leaving the other $9,000 in his or her bank account. Most FX dealers offer 100:1 leverage, so a $1,000 deposit would allow the trader to control one standard 100,000-unit lot. However, even a 1 point move against the trader would trigger a margin call (since $1,000 is the minimum that the dealer requires). So, depending on the trader's risk tolerance, he or she may choose to trade a 50,000-unit lot position, which allows him or her room for almost 100 points (on a 50,000 lot the dealer requires $500 margin, so $1,000 – 100-point loss* 50,000 lot = $500). Regardless of how much leverage the trader assumed, this controlled parsing of his or her speculative capital would prevent the trader from blowing up his or her account in just one trade and would allow him or her to take many swings at a potentially profitable set-up without the worry or care of setting manual stops. For those traders who like to practice the "have a bunch, bet a bunch" style, this approach may be quite interesting.


As you can see, money management in FX is as flexible and as varied as the market itself. The only universal rule is that all traders in this market must practice some form of it in order to succeed.

By Boris Schlossberg, Senior Currency Strategist, FXCM

Reprinted with permission of Investopedia

Boris Schlossberg is the Senior Currency Strategist at Forex Capital Markets in New York, one of the largest retail forex market makers in the world. He is a frequent commentator for Bloomberg, Reuters, CNBC and Dow Jones CBS Marketwatch. His book "Technical Analysis of the Currency Market", published by John Wiley and Sons, is available on Amazon, where he also hosts a blog on all things trading.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Comodo Free Firewall

comodo logo As Internet access becomes vital to all business organizations, network security and privacy affects everyone. Comodo, a leading global provider of trust and assurance services for the Internet, provides the highest level of protection for networks and home users alike... readmore

comodo alert

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Xnview Image Viewer Software

XnView logoCome to discover XnView, a software to view and convert graphic files, really simple to use ! Support of more than 400 graphics formats ! It’s free, so do not hesitate !.. readmore

xnview file management

Object Dock

Object Dock logoThe world’s most popular Windows dock program!
With over 3 million downloads on, ObjectDock enables you to have more control over how you organize your desktop. Rather than having a bunch of icons on the desktop, these icons can be put into docks. ObjectDock can also be used to replace the Start bar entirely freeing up valuable screen real-estate. With various interaction modes available, you can get the dock availability that’s right for how you work.

objectdock bar

This stuff is cool!
Fully customizable, super smoothness in zooming, entertaining alternate mouseover effects, libraries full of high-quality images available for use with the program at The first time you try ObjectDock’s trademarked ReadyView™ weather flyout, there’ll be no going back. And good news for fans - more ReadyView™ flyouts are planned for the future!

objectdock bar screen

The price is right: FREE!
ObjectDock is absolutely free to use and will never nag you to upgrade with popups or interruptions. No arbitrary limitations or hassles that free programs with ‘enhanced versions available’ often have. We keep great pride in maintaining our high-quality free version as well as our exciting Plus version.

ObjectDock Features: Standard Dock
ObjectDock has two types of docks. The standard dock is essentially a single “tray” or “wharf” that can hold short-cuts, running tasks, docklets, and system tray items. The other type of dock, the “Plus” type, is the tabbed dock. The following section discusses the standard dock.

objectdock bar vertical

Highly flexible visual appearance
At a basic level, ObjectDock is simply a container for desktop items. It’s been designed to be as flexible as possible to enable users to easily drag and drop their programs and documents onto it. It is also very flexible in enabling users customize the way it looks and feels.

ObjectDock supports more than just programs and running tasks, it also supports “docklets”. These are mini-applications that reside on the dock and are created by third parties. There are docklets for telling you the weather, your email status, network traffic, CPU usage, memory usage, clock, Wi-Fi connection strength, calendar, and much more. Docklets let users add useful information to their docks.

Docks can be vertical (such as in this screenshot) or horizontal, on the top or bottom of the screen. They can be aligned to the middle of the screen or to the left or right. Version 1.3 also adds the ability to have the dock offset from the edge of the screen (both free and Plus versions). The background (skin) of the dock can easily be changed with hundreds of additional skins available on-line to make your dock appear as anything you’d like it to be.

Mouse-Over Zoom effects
Another popular feature of ObjectDock is the ability to have the icons grow on mouse-over. When the mouse is moved over a given icon on the dock, it starts to grow.

This effect can be a “narrow” effect or a “wide” effect to determine how many near-by icons are affected by the mouse over.

Easy replacement of icon images
A minor but key feature of ObjectDock is its ability to allow you to change the icons of items on the dock. Since many icons don’t look good when enlarged, ObjectDock enables users to replace those icons with either other icon files or .PNG files. The popular customization site,, includes thousands of replacement icons for virtually every program out there.

Optional Start Bar replacement
ObjectDock can hide the Windows Start bar if the user chooses and take over all of its functionality.

Publisher :Stardock

Filesize : 12 MB

Download here

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

First Page 2006 HTML Editor

FirstPage 2006 logoFive years and 3,000,000+ downloads since the first release, Evrsoft brings you First Page 2006, the highly anticipated HTML editing software. Evrsoft First Page 2006 gives you unsurpassed freedom to create and edit web documents with absolute code control.

First Page 2006 1

The latest version includes hundreds of new features and bug fixes. First Page 2006 now includes full support for HTML, XHTML, PHP, ASP, Cold Fusion, Javascript, CSS, SSI and Perl.

FirstPage 2006 is designed for professional web development. Create, Edit and deploy websites with absolute ease and precision. The integrated tools empower web developers to develop standards-based web documents, quickly and easily.

First Page 2006 3

Features Overview
# Tag Insight with SmartHistory™
# CSS Insight with SmartHistory™
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# Advanced Syntax Highlighting
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# Dual Preview Engine
# Online Webmaster Tools
# Tag Property Sheet Inspector with SmartHistory™
# Tag Auto Completion
# Design View Engine, Powered by Microsoft®
# Anti-Intrusive Real-Time Visual Source Rendering Engine™
# Dual Edit System
# One Click Html Reference Guides
# Asset Management
# Extensive Web Language Support
# Tidy HTML Power Tools (updated)
# Document Checking Tools
# iScripts™
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# Popupmaker Deluxe
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# Scrollbar Designer
# Powerful Server Side Includes Support
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# Interface Designed for All
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# Image Thumbnails
# Rollover Images
# Internet explorer preview integration
# Netscape® Mozilla preview integration
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Publisher : Evrsoft

Filesize : 9.8 MB

Download here

Safety.Net Personal Firewall

Safety.Net logoSafety.Net offers Internet security, content security and advanced Internet firewall protection for all your LAN computers, and trust controls to block unwanted or harmful applications from accessing the network. You can define granular user or computer specific access controls based on site, content, PICS ratings and time of day. You can monitor connection level network activity round-the-clock and view detailed reports to analyze traffic and usage patterns.


Key Benefits

  1. Quick setup and easy-to-use graphical user interface
  2. Leading edge technology raises the bar for personal firewalls
  3. Protects all LAN computers
  4. Inbound and outbound protection
  5. Kernel mode solution for protection from hackers and computer-savvy workarounds
  6. No hidden site or content lists
  7. Customizable and shareable lists
  8. Filters unlimited content phrases and up to 65,535 sites
  9. Detailed Internet activity and violation reports
  10. Blocks unauthorized computers from accessing the Internet through your wireless Safety.Net enabled gateway
  11. Fast, accurate and robust security and filtering

Salient Features

  1. Advanced personal firewall
  2. Protects all LAN computers
  3. Child safe Internet access and parental controls
  4. Privacy controls to block sending of personal information
  5. Block unwanted and harmful applications from accessing the network
  6. User & LAN computer specific rules
  7. Site level blocking by URL or IP address for flexibility
  8. Domain level blocking
  9. Context sensitive content blocking/obliteration
  10. PICS ratings based content blocking
  11. Time restrictions for Internet access for local users and LAN computers
  12. Activity reports with detailed information
  13. Violations report
  14. Application activity monitoring
  15. Instant popup alert notifications

System Requirements
Safety.Net works on Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP platforms, and operates with any compliant Proxy Server or Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway from any provider.

Publisher : NetVeda

Filesize : 6.21 MB

Download here

Rainlendar Lite

Rainlendar logoRainlendar is a feature rich calendar application that is easy to use and doesn’t take much space on your desktop. The application is platform independent so you can run it both on Windows and on Linux.

Rain lendar

The appearance can be customized with skins and you can even mix different skins together.

Rain Lendar todo

You can also have a separate list for your long term tasks. The task list can be arranged several ways so that you can keep it better organized. You can also set a due date for the tasks to make sure you’ll remember to do them on time.

Publisher : Rain

Filesize : 2.4 MB

Download here

K-Meleon - The Browser You Control

Quotes from author :

K-Meleon is a simple, fast, efficient Windows web browser that allows the user to completely control its look and functionality. Here you’ll find a list of some of its more notable features.

k-meleon main page

Choose Your Desired Bookmarking System
K-Meleon is the only browser that allows you to use your existing Internet Explorer Favorites or Opera Hotlist in place of or along with Netscape/Mozilla’s Bookmarks system.

“Tabbed” Browsing

Through the layers plugin, K-Meleon offers a convenient way to manage the many sites you may visit during a browsing session. Commonly known as “tabbed” browsing, this feature allows you to keep multiple web pages open simultaneously, navigating easily between them by clicking on each page’s “tab” located beside the others on a separate toolbar within the browser. This can be quite helpful when doing extensive web search as it eliminates the need to go back or forward repeatedly to find a previously viewed page. If you wish to have other applications running, this feature will provide a less cluttered Windows task bar.

Mouse Gestures
Introduced and popularized by Opera, mouse gestures are now a common staple among alternative browsers. Through the mouse gestures plugin, K-Meleon offers a quick, easy way to navigate the web by right-clicking on a page while sliding your mouse left or right to go back or forward. Like all of K-Meleon’s other features, the mouse gestures plugin is very customizable and allows initiation of almost all commands and macros.

Complete Toolbar, Menu, Context Menu, & Keyboard Shortcut Customization
One of the defining characteristics of K-Meleon is its extensive user customization feature. You can easily revamp your main menu and context menus by deleting or adding the items of your choice, access any function from your toolbar or assign any keyboard shortcut to any function. There is no need to extract and compile jar files or download various different extensions which may add other unwanted items to a desired feature.

Block Popup Windows
A hazard of browsing the web is the annoying popup window advertisement. K-Meleon comes equipped with a Popup Blocking feature that blocks these popups and also allows you to quickly enable popups at a particular site.

Fast Load Time
The time it takes for K-Meleon to open from when you click its application icon is the fastest of any Gecko based browser. There is even a symbiotic loader to further reduce start time for older, slower PCs.

k-meleon options

Easy Web Searching
Click on the Search button in your toolbar to enter items to search for with Google. By default the keyboard shortcut to view the search prompt is Ctrl+G. This, of course, can easily be changed along with the search engine. K-Meleon also supports searching directly from the URL bar with support for Mozilla keywords and Microsoft Quick Search.

Themes & Skins
K-Meleon is one of the simplest browsers to skin and all of its images can be changed to your liking. Visit the TutorialSkinning Guide for instructions. Various user contributed Themes and Skins are available for download.

K-Meleon’s unique macros plugin greatly expands its features and capabilities. Take a look at just some of the many examples in the MacroLibrary. Once you gain a better understanding of the MacroLanguage you can customize the macros to your liking or submit new macros of your own.

Author : K-Meleon Team

Filesize : 4.8 MB

Download here

Xnview Image Viewer

XnView logoCome to discover XnView, a software to view and convert graphic files, really simple to use ! Support of more than 400 graphics formats ! It’s free, so do not hesitate !

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It has the features :

  1. Import about 400 graphic file formats
  2. Export about 50 graphic file formats
  3. Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
  4. Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
  5. EXIF auto rotation support
  6. IPTC editing
  7. Resize, rotate, crop support
  8. Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
  9. Adjust brightness, contrast…
  10. Auto levels, contrast
  11. Modify number of colors
  12. Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, …)
  13. Apply effects (lens, wave, …)
  14. Fullscreen mode
  15. Slide show with effects
  16. Batch convert, batch rename
  17. Create WEB page easily
  18. Screen capture
  19. Create contact Sheet
  20. Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
  21. TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
  22. Print support (Windows only)
  23. Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
  24. Compare image side by side
  25. Filmstrip layout
  26. 44 languages support (Windows only)
  27. And many many other things…
  28. No Adware, No Spyware
xnview zoom image

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization)

Author : Pierre e

Filesize : 3.3 MB

Download here

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Nih ada trik sederhana untuk dapetin minimal 20-30 pips sehari dari Forex Tradding. Mdhn Bermanfaat.

Lihat Kalender Economic Harian, yg biasanya di Upgrade Mingguan di atau Catat bahwa setiap 13.30 GMT selalu keluar News penting dari US Open. Kalau anda perhatikan, efek dari News tersebut tiba-tiba saja Price melonjak/menurun 30-50 Pips terutama GBP/USD. Nah...nih adalah untuk ambil bagian profit dari lonjakan price tersebut. Lihat kalo ada News yg beruntun muncul berselang 10 menit, artinya yg terakhir yang sering ditunggu market...(lihat juga nilai priority-nya).Tanggal 16 Nop 2005 ada 2 news yang muncul dgn selisih 30 menit yakni CPI (YoY) 13.30 GMT dan Bussines Inventory 14.00 GMT.

Buka Meta4, Anda Set untuk scale grafik 1 menit.
Anda bisa Online mulai 13.20 GMT...liat pergerakan chart setelah 13.30 GMT gak begitu besar sebab cenderung menunggu berita dlm waktu yang cukup dekat pada 14.00 GMT.
Maka anda kudu lihat price GBP/USD di 13.55 GMT. Yakni Bid 1.7254 dan Offer 1.7255. Dengan perhitungan setelah News 14.00 GMT akan terjadi pergerakan besar sebagaimana kebiasaan tiap hari.

Pada 13.55 tersebut anda Order 2 Posisi, yakni pertama Order BUY pada Price Type "Stop" dgn patokan posisi "OFFER" +10 pips, target profit 30 Pips dan Stop Limit 10 Pips, yakni : Buy at 1.7265 TP 1.7295 SL 1.7255.
Kedua Order SELL pada Price Type"Stop" dgn patokan posisi "BID", yakni : Sell at 1.7244 TP 1.7204 SL 1.7254.
Dah, abis itu...anda bisa liat sendiri. Mana yang kesentuh. Ternyata kemaren kesentuh di Order Sell...dalam 2 menit dah mencapai 20 Pips dan 20 menit TP Kena. Biasanya 5 menit TP dah kena. Kemaren dah kejadian anjlok yg kedua pada 10.00 GMT (News Market Eropah) yg turun sampai 100 pips. Anda Bisa Buktikan, bahwa RSI(14) yg dibawah 25 setelah efek 10.00 GMT di GBP/USD masih bisa membuat Down lagi sekitar 80 Pips pada 13.30 GMT sewaktu US Market Open.... Efek dari NEWS yang LUAR..BIASA..!!!!
Sewaktu Order yg pertama dah masuk dan profit sekitar 20 pips, maka order yg gak kesentuh bisa anda CANCEL.
Nah...Profit bisa anda hitung sendiri. Kalo 20-30 pips sehari...LUMAYAN lho...itung2 tanpa mesti pahami hasil analisis News-nya apa, tanpa musti pake analisis Fundamental, tanpa analisis Technical dgn seabreg-abreg indikator. Kuncinya adalah 5 menit sebelum News keluar, terutama pada London Market 10.00 GMT (untuk Profit 10-20 pips) dan terutama sekali pada USA Market 13.30 GMT (untuk Profit 20-30 pips).
Setelah anda berhasil masuk profit tersebut.... selanjutnya terserah anda, tetapi saran saya sebaiknya anda TIDUR & Mimpi Indah.... tunggu 30 Pips besok di News selanjutnya. HEMAT PULSA INTERNET ANDA.
Semoga Bermanfaat.

Saran :
Coba dulu dgn qtt yang kecil atau pake Virtual beberapa hari...
Beri Komentar & kalau ada Tehnical yang lebih bagus...beritahu saya donk...saya suka sekali belajar. Apalagi yg ujung2-nya Fulus...hihihihi

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Europe Bans Indonesian Airlines

Friday, 29 June, 2007 | 12:21 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: All Indonesian airlines, totaling 51, are prohibited from flying to European Union countries starting July 6. Indonesian carriers are regarded as not meeting safety standards..
read more

Six Victims of Sunken Ship Found

Friday, 13 July, 2007 | 15:09 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Makasar: After two days of being buoyed up in the sea, six victims of the fishing ship which sank Wednesday night (11/7) were found alive by the Ciremai Ship which was sailing from Surabaya to Makassar.. .. read more