Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Sexuality and lovemaking techniques have been studied in various cultures since ancient times. The Kama Sutra, written in India in the 2nd century BC, is one of the best-known ancient sex manuals. It discusses the spiritual aspects of sexuality and presents many sexual positions and techniques for enhancing enjoyment of intercourse.

There is a most beautiful word for sex in the Sanskrit language, and that is Kama, which means sex-love together, undivided and indivisible. If you can learn to be conscious of the body and the breath, you can become conscious of the Universe.

The dependency created by habit must be broken, one must master habit. Sexual habits are the most restrictive. The Kama Sutra says: "Love resulting from the constant and continual performance of some act is called love acquired by habit." Habits inherited from parents or through social conditioning are difficult to break; they provide a false sense of security, but restrict entire ways of life and conscious choice.

Awareness is everything. Our mind tends to divert at any time: in this way, you are swallowed by your thoughts. While you are doing something (something you are accustomed to), your thoughts generally fly away: if you let this happen (and this happens with most of people), you have become the slave of your thoughts.

But is this so bad? Yes, it is. You have become like a leaf in the storm of your thoughts: the best way for unhappiness.

What can Kamasutra do for you? Since it has many positions (postures), becoming a slave of your habits (sexual habits) is more difficult. And your mind can divert fairly less. You can now begin to feel this awareness and try to extend it not only during the sexual intercourse, but even during the daily activities.

And you will begin to feel a new energy and a new happiness (similar to a current that flows underground) in your life.

Friday, May 11, 2007

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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Di Wikipedia, Bandung Dijuluki Kota Sex

Jakarta, Wikipedia lagi-lagi bikin geger. Di salah satu halamannya, layanan ensiklopedia online ini menyebut Bandung sebagai "Kota Wisata Sex". Julukan tersebut muncul di halaman yang menampilkan "Daftar kode telepon di Indonesia menurut Provinsi". Di bagian kota-kota di Jawa Barat, di baris teratas tertera tulisan "022-Bandung (Kota Wisata Sex), Cimahi, Soreang".

Wikipedia adalah layanan ensiklopedia online yang disusun secara kolaboratif oleh pada kontributor dari berbagai negara. Layanan ini menerapkan konsep Wiki -- siapa saja bisa membuat, mengedit dan menambahkan artikel secara bebas.

Karena sifatnya yang bebas tersebut, Wikipedia sering mengalami masalah terkait pencemaran nama baik dan vandalisme karena artikel-artikel yang salah.

Sebelumnya, Wikipedia pernah memuat laporan palsu mengenai kematian Sinbad, pelawak dan aktor Hollywood. Kejadian itu sempat membuat repot keluarga pelawak dengan nama asli David Adkins tersebut, dan memaksa pihak Wikipedia untuk melakukan penyidikan terhadap kasus itu.

Sebelumnya, kesalahan fakta yang cukup dramatis terjadi ketika seorang wartawan senior, John Seigenthaler, disebutkan terlibat dalam pembunuhan John F. Kennedy. Ketika itu John menuntut pencabutan artikel, koreksi, serta permintaan maaf dari Wikipedia.

Sumber : Detik.com


Europe Bans Indonesian Airlines

Friday, 29 June, 2007 | 12:21 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: All Indonesian airlines, totaling 51, are prohibited from flying to European Union countries starting July 6. Indonesian carriers are regarded as not meeting safety standards..
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Six Victims of Sunken Ship Found

Friday, 13 July, 2007 | 15:09 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Makasar: After two days of being buoyed up in the sea, six victims of the fishing ship which sank Wednesday night (11/7) were found alive by the Ciremai Ship which was sailing from Surabaya to Makassar.. .. read more